Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Too Much Tech

Technology is making me tired. Does anyone else feel like multitasking is an overwhelming activity? There are so many things to see, read, hear, buy, taste, smell, want, need.....

I've been thinking about this a lot lately, how technology is supposedly making our lives better. This is the industry in which I work - media. Every day I read about how media is a changing landscape, how we in media need to learn to navigate new media and figure out how it will work for our clients (and how it's affecting consumers). The trades keep telling us that there is too much media, too many ways to consume media, and consumers are getting overwhelmed.

I agree. I multitask at work, at home, and on the bus. And it seems that there is constantly something new for me to add to my daily media mix, those regular outlets I view, listen to, or read.

1 comment:

Sizzle said...


I agree. I sometimes can see my fatigue from being bombarded with sensory overload.

Like right now. . . .zzzzz.